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revisit is a real–time visualization of twitter messages (tweets) around a specific topic. You can create your own twitter wall at a conference or an ambient display at your company or whatever use you come up with. In contrast to other twitter stream tools, it provides a sense of the temporal dynamics in the twitter stream, and emphasizes the conversational threads established by retweets and @replies.

The tool is currently offline due to major changes in the Twitter API (more info), but please find a screencast here:

revisit see5 from Moritz Stefaner on Vimeo.

revisit overview

revisit aligns all twitter messages for your search terms along a timeline. Tweets that receive more attention – in form of retweets or @replies – go to the center of the stream and are displayed larger. The above image displays the visual summary of the see5 conference, where revisit was first presented publicly.

revisit overview

When new tweets arrive, they are brought to the front and highlighted. Otherwise, a random tweet is picked, with a preference on newer and more "important" tweets. The tweet's connections to others (via retweets or @replies) are indicated with colored connections. Related tweets are expanded, too, so you can read the text and follow the conversational context.

revisit overview

A more complex conversational situation, with multiple interconnected retweets and replies.

Source code + standalone version

can be downloaded at github
open source